How is phubbing affecting our relationships?
26 Nov 2018
How is phubbing affecting our relationships?

Incessant mobile notifications can leave smartphone users distracted when they’re around friends or family. Recognising the detrimental impact that ‘phubbing’ can have on their social lives, many are now questioning their relationship with tech, leading them to seek ways to limit their screen time.

James A Roberts

James A. Roberts is the Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing at Baylor University and the author of ‘Too Much of a Good Thing’ and ‘Shiny Objects’. He is an expert on human/consumer behaviour and has studied one form or another of addictive behaviour for the past 15 years.

Karen Douglas

Karen Douglas is a professor of social psychology at the University of Kent, whose research explores human communication and beliefs in conspiracy theories.

Laurie Clarke

Laurie Clarke is a researcher and writer based in Scotland. She has previously worked in marketing for an addiction clinic and has researched everything from memes in advertising to the legal US cannabis industry as a behavioural analyst for Canvas8. Having studied psychology, she is obsessed with what makes people tick, especially when it comes to how they make decisions.