How EVs in India are running on affordability and convenience
13 Oct 2023
How EVs in India are running on affordability and convenience

Under a rapid government push and the rise of local manufacturers, India’s young electric vehicle (EV) industry is set for a thriving future. That is, if it can ensure adequate charging infrastructure, standardisation, and consumer affordability. Here’s what else could make or break this space.

Hema Rajamanickam

Hema Rajamanickam is a research scholar at the PES University in Bangalore and has been undertaking research pertaining to the EV adoption landscape and consumer behaviour in India, specifically how to reduce the charging time of EVs.

Sayantan Chakraborti

Sayantan Chakraborti is a senior software engineer and the co-founder and CEO of GoEgoNetwork, a private organisation working with government bodies to boost India’s EV charging infrastructure.

Shamani Joshi

Shamani Joshi is a writer, reporter, strategist, and producer based in Mumbai, India, with a keen interest in the tech, environment, culture, and fashion spheres.