What does sustainable travel mean to Australians?
21 Nov 2022
What does sustainable travel mean to Australians?

Australia is already feeling the effects of climate change, but a lacklustre public transport infrastructure has created a culture of flying, which is being further fuelled by post-pandemic ‘revenge travel’. How are Aussies satisfying their wanderlust amid mounting environmental pressures?

Bianca Caruan

Bianca Caruan is an Australian-Maltese blogger and podcast host specialising in stories that ignite thoughts surrounding compassion, ethics, and sustainability. She has spent the past seven years writing about the intersection of travel and sustainability on her blog, The Altruistic Traveller. She continues to focus on educating travellers and remote workers on how they can incorporate altruism into their journeys, both in the outside world and within their inner worlds. Through her work, Bianca aims to promote ethical values and offer her platform to share stories that shape our future for the better.

Alex Mungall

Alex Mungall is a founding member of Flight Free Australia, formed in 2019. Flight Free is a volunteer-run initiative that raises awareness around the threat of flying to the climate and exists to educate Australians to read messaging from the aviation industry differently.

Isabella Ubaldi

Isabella Ubaldi is an optimistic nihilist and writer/copywriter with a background in advertising. She likes to write about the human condition: be it emerging cultural movements, the psychology of grief or uncovering scientific advancements in biohacking.