Break the bias! The science of gender allyship
27 May 2022
Break the bias! The science of gender allyship

Despite the numerous efforts to tackle inequalities and biases against women, we are a long way from gender equity in workplaces. Canvas8 spoke to Charlotte Moser and Professor Nyla Branscombe to understand the power of gender allyship in fostering equality within professional environments.

Charlotte Moser

Charlotte Moser received her PhD in social psychology from the University of Kansas and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Colorado Boulder. Dr Moser researches how allyship from advantaged group members can increase women’s retention and career development in underrepresented, male-dominated fields. Her research has been featured by Market Watch, Yahoo News, Talent Board, and Canvas8.

Nyla Branscombe

Professor Nyla Branscombe is a distinguished professor of social psychology at the University of Kansas and is widely published on the psychology of privileged groups and disadvantaged groups.

Matheus Lock

Matheus Lock is a senior cultural analyst in the cultural intelligence team at Canvas8. He has a PhD in political sciences and a background in qualitative research, with a keen interest in technology, politics, urban culture, and science. When not working, you can find Matheus walking around London to discover new things and secret places or in cafés discussing politics and philosophy with friends.