How can advertising get diversity right?
29 Apr 2022
How can advertising get diversity right?

Since the death of George Floyd and BLM protests in 2020, the representation of diversity in ad campaigns has soared. But Black, Asian, and minority ethnic groups still find that diversity in media entrenches rather than dismantles stereotypes. In 2022, how can brands get diversity right?

Tony Snow

Tony Snow is the director of PR and communications agency, Snowmedia, an experienced journalist, and university lecturer. Snowmedia specialises in media strategy planning and is about to launch the Accountability Index for brands looking to monitor their DEI commitment.

Ozten Ali

Ozten Ali is a PR and social media professional at Fuja Communications. Fuja specialises in helping new and emerging brands to grow and build successful profiles across marketing platforms.

Lynda Cowell

Lynda Cowell is a London-based writer, web editor, and former BBC television researcher. Having written for the likes of The Voice, Pride, The Guardian, Time Out and Marie Claire, much of her work has focused on race and gender, but not exclusively. In her free time, she likes to read, drink red wine, and watch the kind of television programmes other people sneer at.