How Latin flavors are changing Americans’ palates
24 Jan 2022
How Latin flavors are changing Americans’ palates

Mexican flavors have captured the hearts – and stomachs – of many Americans. But with a rapidly diversifying Hispanic population, people are searching for new, authentic takes on Latin American cuisine. How are supermarkets driving discovery, and how can brands keep developing this interest?

Gustavo Arellano

Gustavo Arellano is an American writer and journalist. He is a featured contributor for The Los Angeles Times and the former publisher and editor of Orange County's OC Weekly.

Jeffrey Pilcher

Dr. Jeffrey M. Pilcher is a professor of food history at the University of Toronto, Canada, and the author of several books including Planet Taco: A Global History of Mexican Food.

Mario Carrasco

Mario Carrasco is co-Founder and principal of ThinkNow, an award-winning, technology-driven cultural insights agency based in Burbank, California. It enables companies and government agencies to discover the cultural drivers that influence consumer decisions.
Under his co-leadership, ThinkNow has successfully launched several innovative initiatives, such as ThinkNow ConneKt™, a MarTech segmentation solution focused on the multicultural market, as well as, one of the largest and most representative Hispanic online panels in the industry.

Andres Zambrano Bravo

Andres Zambrano Bravo is a Berlin-based freelance journalist who loves to ask why. He loves puzzles and seeks answers to social phenomena and trends, helping researchers, companies, and artists to also find their voice along the way. When not annoying people with questions, you can find him spinning records in one of Berlin’s smoky venues.