Why did Covid bring the milkman back?
12 Aug 2021
Why did Covid bring the milkman back?

There may be fewer of them on the roads than in decades past, but milk floats remain as valued as ever by their loyal customers. How are these doorstep delivery pioneers keeping up with a new generation of on-demand grocery services? And why might Brexit and COVID-19 give them a boost?

Lynne Walls

Lynne Walls has been working as a milkwoman delivering milk in Leeds for over 21 years. She runs G&L Milk Deliveries, a local milk delivery service.

Dr. Paul Cowie

Dr. Paul Cowie is a research fellow with the National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise at Newcastle University. He is also the principal investigator on the DEFRA-funded Rural England: Local Perspectives on Community and Economy project, which investigates the impact of COVID-19 on rural communities.

Sophie McKay

Sophie McKay is a writer and journalist. She writes about issues including tech, social and political issues and the arts. She’s written for publications including iD and Novara Media.