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Why pop-ups are Korea’s go-to marketing strategy for Gen Y and Z

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  • 24 Jul 2024

South Korean Gen Y and Gen Z – known in the country as Gen MZ – prefer online shopping, but offline pop-ups are more popular than ever. What makes these IRL experiences so attractive to younger shoppers, and what does this say about the retail landscape in a place that's usually dominated by tech?

Economic challenges are changing India’s Diwali festival

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  • 23 Jul 2024

Indian families are dipping into their savings and taking loans to maintain their lifestyle while the youth are finding it tough to get jobs. What do these economic changes mean for the festival where spending traditionally peaks, and how will they reshape the experience of Diwali celebrations?

What does Christmas look like in China?

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  • 22 Jul 2024

Christmas in China is a secular holiday, focusing on entertainment and colourful décor over gift exchanges and religious carols. Moreover, it has become a time for socialising and romance among young Chinese people, presenting opportunities for luxury brands to connect with holiday revellers.

How Singles’ Day is fighting shopper fatigue

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  • 18 Jul 2024

As Singles’ Day gradually loses its allure for value-driven shoppers, how is this annual shopping event reinventing itself through new strategies? Many brands are enhancing their entertainment appeal to lure reluctant audiences back and combat shoppers’ fatigue.

South Koreans are curing their loneliness by spoiling their pets

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  • 11 Jul 2024

Young Koreans are coping with burnout, a poor job economy, and loneliness by adopting dogs and – increasingly – cats. They’re also spending lots of money on them, creating a growing pet service industry in South Korea. The trend highlights what they value – independence, relaxation, and alone time.

Chinese shoppers fly domestic for luxury spending

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  • 10 Jul 2024

Luxury spending in China is on a post-pandemic rebound, but shoppers may not be where you think. Instead of travelling overseas, citizens are choosing to fly domestically. What does this mean for the future of luxury shopping in the country, and what can brands learn from this post-pandemic shift?

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