Buy now! The science of inspiring action through AR
22 Jan 2021
Buy now! The science of inspiring action through AR

AR apps often have a ‘wow factor’ that can keep users entertained for hours – but this excitement is often short-lived and doesn't lead to action. Canvas8 spoke to marketing professor Dr. Chris Hinsch to learn how a nostalgic touch can inspire people to act upon their experiences with this tech.

Dr. Chris Hinsch

Dr. Chris Hinsch is a researcher and associate professor of marketing at Grand Valley State University. His work focuses on the intersection of technology and behavioural science, whereby he explores topics such as augmented reality and its impact on people's behaviour. He has been published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Business Research, and Psychology and Marketing, among others.

Precious Osoba

Precious Osoba is a junior behavioural analyst at Canvas8. Fascinated by the hows and whys of people and culture, she has a background in social sciences and a degree in marketing. You can often find her in aesthetically pleasing restaurants writing articles for her Medium profile.