Why do Gen Z want their fast food with a side of luxury?
24 Aug 2023
Why do Gen Z want their fast food with a side of luxury?

Gen Zers are doing away with perfection and embracing the messy realism of their lives. What is it about this meeting of luxe and junk that appeals to this demographic? Is there more to it than just veering away from squeaky-clean aesthetics, and how can brands help them remix old favourites?

Mark Beal

Mark Beal is a professor of public relations at Rutgers University and the author of ‘Decoding Gen Z: 101 Lessons Generation Z Will Teach Corporate America, Marketers & Media’.

Marianne Eloise

Marianne Eloise is a journalist and commentator on neurodivergent issues. She has written for publications including The Cut, The New York Times, Courier, Dazed, Vulture, i-D, The Guardian, and Mic.