Netflix and cringe! The science of uncomfortable viewing
18 Aug 2023
Netflix and cringe! The science of uncomfortable viewing

Cringe-inducing content is so prevalent on social media and TV that it has almost become a cornerstone of the contemporary entertainment landscape. Canvas8 spoke to Dr. Anuja Pradhan about the psychological underpinnings of ‘cringe culture’, uncovering biases and the factors driving its popularity.

Anuja Pradhan

Anuja Pradhan is an assistant professor at the University of Southern Denmark. She researches consumer culture, ethnic identification, consumer mythmaking, and critical pedagogies in marketing. Pradhan has been published in journals such as Marketing Theory and has received awards including the Fulgoni PhD Scholarship. Her teaching areas include global consumer cultures and advanced marketing communications.

Stefan Kelly

Stefan Kelly is a Senior Behavioural Analyst at Canvas8. Stefan has a background in behavioural science and psychology, and has spent most of his career researching how people form beliefs and make decisions. Now he spends most of his time trying to understand the interactions between identity, uncertainty and culture. After work, he's likely reading old psychiatry blogs, scouring 2nd hand clothing apps, or failing to get Arsenal tickets.