Can I get involved? The science of fan participation
21 Jul 2023
Can I get involved? The science of fan participation

Originally from South Korea, webtoons have exploded in popularity across the globe, primarily as a result of the fan participation that makes them accessible to all. Canvas8 spoke to PhD Candidate Jinyoung Nam to understand the role of transcreation within these digital media moments.

Jinyoung Nam

Jinyoung Nam is a PhD Candidate at the School of Media and Communication, Korea University.

John Firth

John Firth is a behavioural analyst at Canvas8. He holds a master’s degree in research methods and previously studied sociology. When not working, he can be found galavanting around London pubs with friends while trying to informally promote rugby league to anyone willing to listen.

Rachel Choi

Rachel Choi is a Behavioural Analyst at Canvas8. With a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology from Oxford University, she has an interdisciplinary understanding of behavioural and cultural patterns across societies. She has a love for stories that capture the nature of human experience, through writing, media, or material culture. Outside of work, you can find her attending exhibitions, oscillating between overthinking and head-empty-just-vibes, or rewatching her favourite (usually Studio Ghibli!) films.