Why ethically-banked Britons are quids in
21 Dec 2020
Why ethically-banked Britons are quids in

As trust in traditional financial institutions declined after the 2008 crash, challenger banks flourished. Yet while emoji passcodes and bill-splitting features may have been key selling points previously, a growing number of Britons are turning to these platforms for ethical investment options.

Bruce David

Bruce David is the managing director of Abundance Investment, a UK-based online investment platform that offers ethical and socially beneficial investments that contribute to a green economy. He is also a visiting research fellow at the Bauman Institute, University of Leeds, and a Trustee of the Finance Innovation Lab.

Natascha Nanji

Natascha Nanji is an artist and writer with a background in Anthropology and Fine Art. She contributes to art journals, museums and tech agencies and works with arts organisations to enhance their digital systems and communications. Natascha studied cultural criticism at the Royal College of Art and is co-editor/publisher of LAY IT ON THICK, a literary magazine orbiting themes around desire and erotics.