Mothers are getting luxe treatment under Korean custom
19 Mar 2024
Mothers are getting luxe treatment under Korean custom

The birth rate in South Korea is at an all-time low, but the quality of private ‘sanhujoriwon’ (postpartum care facilities) has never been higher. What is driving the emergence of these ‘boutique’ centres in the East Asian country, and what can it tell us about broader wellness trends?

Jian Lee

Jian Lee is a culture writer at the Korea JoongAng Daily, an English newspaper based in Seoul under the Korean media conglomerate The JoongAng.

Jaeyeon Choe

Dr Jaeyeon Choe obtained her PhD in Tourism Management & Cultural Anthropology from The Pennsylvania State University. As an international educator, she has been invited as a visiting scholar to Canada, Indonesia, Finland, Germany, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia. Her research areas revolve around wellness/spiritual/religious tourism, sustainable tourism development, and the wellbeing of marginalised communities.

Kayti Burt

Kayti Burt is a freelance writer with bylines in TIME, Rolling Stone, the LA Times, Teen Vogue, and Vulture. She specialises in the rise of non-English-language culture in the West and globally.