How is working the third shift impacting Britons?
25 Sep 2019
How is working the third shift impacting Britons?

As people across the UK struggle to make ends meet and new industries change the way we work, night-shift work is on the rise. But as more and more people sign up to work while the rest of us sleep, what impact are these socially inconvenient third-shift hours having on Britons’ lives?

Dr. Neil Stanley

Dr. Neil Stanley has been studying sleep for 38 years and is now the director of sleep science at Sleep Station. He is also the author of the book How to Sleep Well.

Laurie Heselden

Laurie Heselden is the regional policy and campaigns officer for the Trades Union Congress (TUC) for London, the east of England, and the south east.

Dr. Angela Moore

Dr. Angela Moore is a mathematician with expertise in maths, statistics, and operations management. Working at Visual Rota, she creates mathematical models for companies that want to reassess and manage their workforce and workload.

Lynda Cowell

Lynda Cowell is a London-based writer, web editor, and former BBC television researcher. Having written for the likes of The Voice, Pride, The Guardian, Time Out and Marie Claire, much of her work has focused on race and gender, but not exclusively. In her free time, she likes to read, drink red wine, and watch the kind of television programmes other people sneer at.