3 Nov 2021UpdateKeeping 10: insights that got us talking in October

From craving a simpler way of life, to using sport as a safe space to encourage mental health, to finding collective comfort in trauma memes: as the seasons change and we move into winter, people are searching for more holistic, slower and personal forms of self care. With uncertainty around the pandemic recovery rife, supply chain issues threatening the holiday season and mounting angst around the climate crisis, people are trying to take control of their mental health in more creative ways. What are people doing to move forward in uncertain times?

We've put together a list of 10 behaviours that you need to watch out for, that we think will help you with your brand or business. Do you want your brand to align with cultural shifts in the world right now? Or maybe you want to launch a new product that fits growing consumer demand? If that's the case, take on board our expert cultural insights that'll leave your competitors speechless!

J’Nae PhillipsJ'Nae Phillips is an Insights Editor at Canvas8. After an early career working in fashion and media, her passion for culture and journalism grew and she made the transition to writing and editing full-time. She specialises in fashion, trends, cultural shifts and all of the good stuff that gets people talking.

Mass digitisation causes Gen Zers to seek solace in the recent past - As cultural memory gets shorter, ‘nowstalgia’ is fuelling a desire to reimagine and right perceived wrongs. A meme mindset is driving young people to seek out cultural products from brands that align with their values.

People embrace a simpler way of living as they reevaluate their lives
- Being stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic led some people to shift to a more minimalist mindset and detach from consumer culture. Brands can tap into this minimalist resurgence to engage consumers who are looking to simplify their daily lives long term.

Young Chinese people want ethical and scientifically backed beauty brands - Chinese Gen Zers are brand-savvy shoppers who have more access to product information than their predecessors, fuelling a want for clean and healthy products. Brands that can cater to this need, as well as offering tailored and scientifically backed solutions, can win in this market.

Reframing perceptions around sport encourages people to get active
- Nike is shifting away from elite-athlete and tournament-focused narratives, instead highlighting the joyful aspects of sport with a campaign that celebrates failure. As people are more willing to try out new interests, sports, and hobbies post-pandemic, brands can celebrate the joy of letting loose a little bit.

Gen Zers are finding a creative and emotional release in ‘trauma memes’
- With the stigma associated with discussing mental health on the decline, trauma memes are helping young people to process pain. Brands need to tread carefully when trying to emulate this conversational style, ensuring that they take care with delicate subjects.

Digital natives connect with brands in virtual spaces
- As people find it easier to interact with brands through digital channels, brands can use storytelling and creative content to engage with new audiences through accessible entry points as they enter the metaverse.

People want stable and calm lives post-pandemic
- As the world emerges from the stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are favouring predictable and relaxing lives over exciting ones. Brands may need to rethink how they position their public offerings, whilst focusing on wellbeing and mental health support for employees.

Luxury consumers want fitness that works for them - As the pandemic caused a focus on health and wellness globally, people sought out home fitness equipment to suit their needs. Dior collaborating with Technogym to release limited edition fitness equipment shows how brands can leverage wellness and health into their products, establishing themselves in other spaces.

People demand brand transparency on sustainability matters
- When it comes to eco honesty, ‘radical’ transparency has become a must-have for people who are tired of brands greenwashing. To avoid greenwashing accusations, brands can develop concrete action plans surrounding sustainability.

Women want advice in the field of sexual pleasure
- As women are becoming more open about expressing their desire for sexual pleasure, brands and game developers can help to shed light on the female orgasm in an effort to bridge the ‘orgasm gap’.