Youth culture
Food equity
Diversity and inclusion
Corporate responsibility
Eating and Drinking
Media and Entertainment
United Kingdom
Gen Z (born 1997-2010)
LocationLondon, United Kingdom
Sector ExpertChristina Adane

A social campaigner specialised in youth insight and movement-building

Christina Adane is a founding co-chair of the Bite Back 2030 youth board, a youth-led movement aiming to fight the injustices of the food industry. She's known for her work on leading the free school meal campaign in the UK and campaigning against junk food marketing, as well as broader work on the intersections of climate, food, and race. Alongside this, Christina is a Debate Mate ambassador, a member of Google's Z-Council, and an honorary fellow of the British Science Association. Her efforts in campaigning and youth empowerment led Christina to be recognised as one of the BBC’s top 100 most influential women of 2020, a 2021 Diana Legacy Award winner, as well as a finalist in the International Children's Peace Prize 2021.
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