How Kenya is kickstarting Africa’s e-mobility revolution
27 Sep 2023
How Kenya is kickstarting Africa’s e-mobility revolution

E-mobility is arriving in Kenya on two wheels. Motorbike taxis, or boda bodas, are going electric in a bid to reduce air pollution and prompt EV adoption among the urban majority. How are Kenyan start-ups solving local issues, and what can they teach us about sustainable design?

Carol Ofafa

Carol Ofafa is an electrical engineer, energy expert, and gender-equality advocate. She is the founder of E-Safiri, which develops solar-powered charging infrastructure for two and three-wheeler EVs in rural Kenya. Ofafa also works with the African School of Regulation to overcome regulatory barriers towards the implementation of sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy in Africa.

Felix Saro-Wiwa

Felix Saro-Wiwa is the head of sustainable growth at ARC Ride, a leading e-mobility Battery as a Service (BaaS) provider. Saro-Wiwa leads ARC Ride’s carbon credits applications, manages grants and expansion projects, and works on internal company processes.

Lottie Hanwell

Lottie Hanwell is a behavioural analyst at Canvas8. She has a degree in English Literature and Spanish, and spends a lot of time thinking, researching and writing about developments in society and culture. On her weekends, she likes to run, read and make a mess in the kitchen.