Faris Yakob on advertising, technology and culture
21 Jul 2010
Faris Yakob on advertising, technology and culture

Now the importance of digital and social are taken for granted, what should people be focusing on? Why are banner ads important? And how have South Korea got it right?

Faris Yakob

Faris Yakob is a co-founder of creative consultancy Genius Steals, which works with brands, agencies, and media companies globally. The Strands of Genius newsletter from the company goes to 15,000 marketing, advertising, and creative thinkers. Yakob was previously McCann's chief digital officer and MDC's chief innovation officer. He's the author of Paid Attention: Innovative Advertising for a Digital World and contributing author of Digital StateCreative Superpowers, and Eat Your Greens: Fact-Based Thinking to Improve Your Brand's Health.