30 Sep 2019UpdateWe gotta have faith: introducing our Alt Faith Macro BehaviourUPDATE: dispatches from the Canvas8 HQ

Why are people embracing alternative sources of authority – from astrology to unorthodox leaders? Last week, Canvas8 hosted a webinar for members to unpack our latest Macro Behaviour, Alt Faith. In our webinars, we expand on the research we publish: a senior analyst presents key insights and answers questions from our viewers. Macro Behaviours provide a lens to examine human truths – offering a deeper understanding of the cultural contexts that shape how people live.

Abi BullerAbi Buller is the editorial assistant at Canvas8, which specializes in behavioral insights and consumer research. She holds a degree in Creative Direction for Fashion from the University of the Arts London. Outside of work, you'll find her wandering around art galleries, practising yoga and seeking out new pastel-coloured garments to add to her collection.

What caused it?

Cast your mind back to 2008 – it’s likely you’ll think of the financial crash, and a complete loss of trust in banks and bankers. In 2017, global trust in institutions hit an all-time low and fake news caused widespread confusion. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, only 26% of people trusted social media in 2017 – a figure that declined to 24% in 2018. And in 2019, we’ve entered a trust vacuum where only 1 in 5 people globally believe ‘the system works for me’. In the absence of institutional trust, it’s unsurprising that people are seeking new forms of authority and being left with no option but to trust their gut.

Who is it impacting?

Replacing traditionally trusted figures with personal faith and gut instinct is something that’s happened on a global scale, but Alt Faith focuses on three key audiences: spiritual advocates, populist sympathisers, and the digital-faithful. Spiritual advocates are looking for meaning beyond consumerism, and are instead following pseudoscientific regimes to help hack themselves into immortality. Meanwhile, populist sympathisers strongly believe in what is right ‘for the people’, as they grow tired of being lied to and dominated by an elite class.

People are learning to trust their gut instinctJeremy Bishop (2017)

Insights and opportunities

How does this shift impact the commercial space? “We expect consumers to actually be more experimental and open-minded about new ideas,” says behavioural analyst Jared Tanna. “We also know that people feel powerless in the face of not knowing how to discern truth from lie. So this tells us that, where possible, if brands can give consumers greater autonomy and control they could win them over.” Companies that are open to collaboration and crowdsourcing are reaping the benefits of authentic and transparent approaches. With 40% of people in the UK and US believing social media firms should use AI to review content on their platforms, they’re embracing positive uses of tech to attain the most relevant news stories.

Canvas8 Macro Behaviours are universal, human truths that have lasting implications for brands, businesses, and society as a whole. Rich in cultural nuances, our Macro Behaviours provide the perfect topic for Q&A sessions.

Abi Bulleris the editorial assistant at Canvas8, which specializes in behavioral insights and consumer research. She holds a degree in Creative Direction for Fashion from the University of the Arts London. Outside of work, you'll find her wandering around art galleries, practising yoga and seeking out new pastel-coloured garments to add to her collection.