Beauty and Wellness
Founder Mentoring
Brand Ideation to Launch
Scaling and Global Growth
International Markets
Health and Fitness
United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
United States
Gen Z (born 1997-2010)
Boomers (born 1947-1966)
Gen X (born 1967-1981)
Gen Y (born 1982-1996)
LocationLondon, United Kingdom
Local time
Macro ExpertCatherine Collins

Beauty and wellness global brand expert

Catherine Collins’s career spans multiple markets, from building an international beauty distribution business in the Middle East to advising on the global strategy for some of the world’s most beloved beauty brands and scaling high-growth startups. She is the founder of Constellar Consultancy, a globally-focused beauty and wellness agency specialising in brand building, retail, distribution, and investment. Her expertise is across the entire brand landscape, from ideation to launch and beyond. She has a deep understanding of all the intricacies involved with building a sustainable global brand.
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