Canvas8 RadioSports’ New Cultural CodesThe Olympics, Euros, T20, and more are setting us up for a summer of sport – offering the perfect time to explore how people’s relationship with sports is shifting. We’re currently investigating the deeper sports dynamics informing community-building so you’re set up to tap into the post-event uptick in sporting interest.Tuesday 30 Apr 2024

The Olympics, Euros, T20, Pickleball, women’s college wrestling, WWE on Netflix – a lot’s going on in the sporting sphere, and this summer is shaping up to be a bumper season for fans. Over the next few months, we’ll see the key ways in which sports fandom is changing, how these changes express themselves, and how people engage on new terms – whether that’s seeing sport as an anchoring point for meaning and community, as a way to reaffirm one’s true self, or as a conduit to dip in and out of other pop culture moments. Tune in for our first Canvas8 radio feature for a session that explores the new cultural codes at the heart of the sporting space and to understand how you can leverage these shifts in your longer-term strategy during the sports boost we’ll see in the months ahead.

Why Now?
A summer of sportWith major sporting events happening worldwide, excitement around sports is going to peak in 2024. How can brands make the most of this cultural moment?
Shifting attitudes to performance As people become more open about mental health and the challenges that they’re facing, the narrative around optimisation and performance is changing. How can you stay ahead of changing representations of excellence?
New desire for belonging With the permacrisis era making people feel destabilised, they’re looking for fresh ways to forge connections. What learnings does sport offer about how to reboot your community strategy?

44%of Gen Zers say they engage with others through social media while watching live sportsDELOITTE, 2023
17%of Gen Zers attend sporting grounds often compared with 49% of those over 70CAPGEMINI, 2023

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