In an industry where revenue has decreased an average of 3.2% a year since 2009, how has Half Price Books kept growing? And with Amazon dominating in the sector, how has the brand managed not only to stay afloat but to open five new stores per year?
BookTubers: the internet brings teens back to books
case study·
25 Sep 2014
Generally, e-reading simply involves tablets and e-books – but a new relationship is developing where literature and online virality are intertwined. Booktubers are broadcasting their favourite reads to thousands of fans. But how has YouTube become a home to bookworms?
“If e-books are the new paperbacks, then why are they so expensive?” asks John Yunker of the ACP blog. With the rise of digital reading, the one deterrent has been the high prices of e-books – in some cases, they’re actually pricer than their physical counterparts.
Buy clothes from the comfort of your sofa, or visit the high street for something that fits ‘just right’ today? While students typically prefer shopping online, when it comes to clothes, 70% prefer to buy in-store according to research conducted by UCAS Media.
A recent survey by Screen Digest reveals that in spite of beleaguered brick and mortar DVD rentals in the UK and Europe, the US market is on the up. This is predominantly down to a small but significant factor: the $1 a night rental kiosk.