Media and Entertainment
Gen Y (born 1982-1996)
International journalism
New media innovation
Data storytelling
Trend analysis
United Kingdom
LocationBerlin, Germany
Local time
Cultural InsiderSabrina Faramarzi

International Journalist and Media Development Expert

Sabrina Faramarzi is an international journalist, trend analyst, and data storyteller. Her work explores patterns across sociocultural phenomena through a future-focused lens, with an interest in new media development and storytelling innovations. Faramarzi has worked and written for publications such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Vogue Business, Wired, and VICE, and has helped brands such as Google, Meta, Airbnb, Lush, Tempur, Regus, and GSK to create relevant content for their audiences. She founded Dust in Translation, a boutique creative storytelling agency helping organisations build and produce innovative, data-driven content and communications strategies.
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