Introvert/ambivert/extrovert leadership
CEO leadership in today's world
Working better with Gens Y and Z
North America
Gen Z (born 1997-2010)
LocationMontreal, Canada
Local time
Macro ExpertKarl Moore

Writer, presenter, and researcher of introvert, ambivert, and extrovert leaders

As a professor at the McGill University Desautels Faculty of Management and fellow at Green Templeton College, Oxford University, Dr. Karl Moore spends a significant amount of time interacting with current and future leaders. Before his position at McGill, he was a full-time faculty member at Oxford University and spent 11 years with IBM and Hitachi in marketing and management positions. His latest book, Generation Why: How Boomers Can Lead and Learn from Millennials and Gen Z, helps managers understand the postmodern worldview held by Gen Zers and younger Gen Yers and how it influences their behaviour at work. Dr. Moore was nominated for a Thinkers50 Distinguished Achievement Award in the Leadership category as a top thinker in the area for his work on introverts and extroverts among C-suite professionals and Gen Yers.
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