With Gen Zers fully ready to embrace discourse and products for their gut, brands are working to keep up with scientific and social advancements around IBS and other digestive disorders in line with this shift. As the poo taboo comes to a close, what exactly do Gen Zers want and need?
Renee McGregor is an expert sports and eating disorder dietitian specialising in female health. She’s worked with Olympic teams, the English and Scottish Ballet, as well as with individuals in clinics. She is also the author of Orthorexia.
Sophie Medlin is director and specialist dietitian at City Dieticians. She's a consultant dietitian and is the chair of the British Dietetic Association for London. Medlin has expertise in gastrointestinal and colorectal health. She worked in acute hospitals specialising in gastrointestinal diseases before moving into academia, where she worked as a lecturer at King’s College. She also works as a consultant in product development for the manufacture of vitamins and probiotics and enjoys applying her academic research skills in the commercial sector.
Chloe Gray is a freelance journalist whose work focuses on demystifying women’s health and fitness. She is also the founder of Gray’s Anatomy, a newsletter about bodies, and a qualified fitness instructor.