How Americans feel about post-pandemic clubbing culture
10 Oct 2023
How Americans feel about post-pandemic clubbing culture

Club culture and IRL experiences are all the rage post-pandemic, with massive festivals and club nights across the US reaching new heights. But what new cultural habits are taking over in the people attending these events? And what insights can brands glean from this new trend?

Nick Smith

Nick Smith is a DJ, producer, and party organiser based in London who runs the No Rewinds label.

Lily Belk

Lily Belk is a DJ and party organizer based in Brooklyn. She is the co-founder and resident DJ at In Bloom, a party that focuses on curating diverse line-ups.

Andres Zambrano Bravo

Andres Zambrano Bravo is a Berlin-based freelance journalist who loves to ask why. He loves puzzles and seeks answers to social phenomena and trends, helping researchers, companies, and artists to also find their voice along the way. When not annoying people with questions, you can find him spinning records in one of Berlin’s smoky venues.