Why has pottery become a wholesome Gen Z hobby?
18 May 2023
Why has pottery become a wholesome Gen Z hobby?

When the world around them seemed chaotic and unpredictable, Gen Zers turned to tactile pastimes such as pottery and craft culture. As this digitally-native generation embraces mindful hobbies that champion joy and combat perfection fatigue, what does this say about the future of wholesome hobbies?

Faye Twinn

Faye Twinn is the owner of pottery studio TWINN Pottery. It consists of small batches of pottery produced by one pair of hands, from a garden studio that has a living roof and eco-conscious ethos. Twinn trained in sculpture at Falmouth University and went on to teach fine art before choosing to embrace pottery full-time. Sustainability and mindfulness play the main role in her working methods and her pieces support slow living and ethical choices. She researches the origins of her ingredients and the impact they have on the planet. She also prides herself on making her own glazes and sourcing materials mined predominantly within the UK with high ethical standards.

Jared Tanna

Jared Tanna is an associate insight director at Canvas8. He leads Canvas8's cultural insight work for Google and has worked closely with government agencies such as the Irish Food Board and UK Sport. He has a background in qual research, specialising in creative development and brand strategy. When he’s not badgering people for their opinions, you can find him reading, analysing, and (sometimes) writing screenplays.

J’Nae Phillips

J'Nae Phillips is an Insights Editor at Canvas8. After an early career working in fashion and media, her passion for culture and journalism grew and she made the transition to writing and editing full-time. She specialises in fashion, trends, cultural shifts and all of the good stuff that gets people talking.