How will NFTs impact collectible culture?
1 Apr 2021
How will NFTs impact collectible culture?

Non-fungible tokens offer a way for people to digitally own everything from a tweet to a GIF of an NBA play via blockchain technology. How might they forge meaningful connections between fans and their idols? And how can brands sustain engagement with the tech beyond the initial hype?

Matty S.

Known online as DCL Blogger, Matty has been investing in NFTs since 2018. He runs a successful blog that teaches his readers about cryptocollectible trading and is self-described NFT-obsessed.

Dr. James Farrell

Dr. James Farrell is an assistant professor of economics and finance at Florida Southern College and holds a doctorate in economics from Florida State University as well as the CFA designation. Prior to joining Florida Southern College, he was a senior quantitative analyst with the Florida State Board of Administration.

Vasja Veber

Vasja Veber is a co-founder of Viberate, a fan-assisted music analytics platform, and is exploring using NFTs to manage musicians’ performing rights.

Alex King

Alex King is a journalist and former staff writer at Huck, a youth culture magazine and website in London. Now based in Athens, he writes about creative subcultures, human rights and activism around the world.