Inside Culture

How is destabilisation shaping consumer behaviour?

People are looking for anchors in a period of radical flux

In the midst of ongoing uncertainty and turbulence at a geopolitical, cultural, technological and economic level, people and businesses are having to adapt and normalise a deeper degree of uncertainty. This has significant implications on consumer behaviour – and as 2023 draws to a close, a desire for rooting and grounding in the midst of heightened stress and destabilisation is going to be a key challenge. With major elections set to take place in India, America, the UK, Mexico and Europe next year, the propensity for tumult is especially high – and the risks of disinformation campaigns go hand in hand with shifts towards autocracy and more volatile leadership. Meanwhile economic challenges continue, causing people to act more deliberately when it comes to purchasing behaviours. With the knowledge that more challenging times are ahead, how can businesses help people feel grounded and secure?

of citizens in the UK and Germany who understand AI and deepfake technology say they’re concerned about the threat such technology poses to elections.Luminate, 2023