Patrick McGinnis on the Fear of Better Options
29 Oct 2020
Patrick McGinnis on the Fear of Better Options

While it may seem unlikely that people would have FOMO amid a global pandemic, Canvas8 spoke to Patrick McGinnis, author of FOMO: Practical Decision Making in a World Overwhelmed by Choice to understand the role media and entertainment play in generating FOBO during lockdown.

Patrick McGinnis

Patrick James McGinnis is an American venture capitalist and author. He is best known for coining the term 'fear of missing out', which he first used in an op-ed for The Harbus in 2004 while studying at the Harvard Business School.

Precious Osoba

Precious Osoba is a junior behavioural analyst at Canvas8. Fascinated by the hows and whys of people and culture, she has a background in social sciences and a degree in marketing. You can often find her in aesthetically pleasing restaurants writing articles for her Medium profile.