Why are some gamers taking it slow?
30 Oct 2017
Why are some gamers taking it slow?

Video games that see players fight on the frontlines of WWII or ride atop a dragon have fuelled the industry’s huge success. But worlds apart is a genre that’s all about taking the time to appreciate doing nothing. What’s the appeal of slow gaming? And how can it support one’s mental wellbeing?

Alex Strang

Alex Strang is a senior insight editor at Canvas8 who used to be in a punk band that was signed, shaped, and spat out. He enjoys using his experience of being the product to help brands understand how to sell theirs. After studying philosophy and critical theory, he found his feet in the market research world and has been over-analysing consumer behaviour ever since, including his own. He can usually be found playing board games, watching Seinfeld, or trying too hard to make his daughter laugh.