9 Mar 2018UpdateFive behaviours impacting citizenship in 2018UPDATE: Dispatches from the Canvas8 HQ

As online movements continue to influence the popular narrative and shape how brands work in the offline world, it’s becoming increasingly important that these brands pay attention to what people really care about, from tackling the plastic waste crisis, to making sport LGBT inclusive. We explore the key behaviours that are affecting citizenship in 2018.

Mica AnthonyMica Anthony is a content writer with a passion for fashion and all things beauty, who has written for the likes of gal-dem and WAVE Magazine. When she’s not trawling social media for her next fashion look, she’s expanding her Depop empire or discovering an emerging music producer.

Every six months, the sharpest minds at Canvas8 discern the behaviours we’ve seen that are impacting citizenship – from how equal representation has become an essential, to ensuring brands effectively demonstrate their core values. This time around, we look at how brands are responding to demands for diversity, understand why people are going online to demand accountability, explore how people are being exposed to social issues earlier on in life, reveal how people are making activism more luxurious, and explain how people are tackling issues that are close to home.

Mica Anthony is an editorial assistant at Canvas8, which specialises in behavioural insights and consumer research. She’s passionate about uncovering the newest electronic music producers, re-living questionable ‘90s fashion trends, and building her Depop empire.