United States
natural disaster preparedness
travel preparedness
severe weather
Travel and Leisure
LocationNorfolk, United States
Sector ExpertCheryl Nelson

Natural disaster and travel preparedness expert and meteorologist

Cheryl Nelson is an award-winning meteorologist and certified natural disaster and travel preparedness expert. The founder and owner of Prepare with Cher LLC, Nelson has been featured on BBC World News, NBC's TODAY Show, Fox News, Fox 5 New York, The Weather Channel, News Nation, and more. She also shares preparedness tips with and contributes to publications like HuffPost, Travel + Leisure, and Martha Stewart. Under the 'Prepare with Cher' umbrella, Nelson works with companies, brands, TV stations and individuals to ensure that people are never caught off guard during events such as severe weather and travel mishaps.
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Work sampleBroadcast Meteorologist & Network Correspondent Reel
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